Replacing HV Assets
Water Pump Station Mooney Mooney
Private High Voltage Networks
Gosford City Council
$1.7 million
Replacing high voltage assets at raw water pump stations. RCR subcontracted Syscon to perform a range of works at the Mooney Mooney raw water pump stations including the following highlights.
Project Highlights
- Preparation of WHSMP, RMP and QMP and SWMS.
- Installation of 2 x 11/3.3kV 2 MVA transformers.
- Installation of the 11kV Main Switch Board.
- Installation of the 3.3kV MCC.
- Installation of the 11/0.433kV 250kVA kiosk transformers.
- Install 3.3kV cables from the MCC to the HV motors.
- Install all conduits in the yard.
- Perform all HV joints and terminations.
- Install conduits and pits from yard to pump house.
- Install yard lightning.
- Install Lightning Protection in the yard.
- Augment the earthing system.
- Install a 60KVA standby generator and controls.
- Connect all existing field devices to new PLC I/O racks.
- Install the new Ausgrid Point of Supply (ASP1 works).
- Provide site acceptance testing assistance.